ibpatol: 1. Panning
ibpatol: Moving-in II
ibpatol: Moving-in I
ibpatol: Waiting for the train II
ibpatol: Waiting for the train I
ibpatol: overpoxed movement
ibpatol: the last step
ibpatol: Velib
ibpatol: Hurry up
ibpatol: Flash light
ibpatol: Waiting
ibpatol: Citrons et garçons
ibpatol: Pause déjeuner
ibpatol: 3. La 14
ibpatol: La 14 2
ibpatol: Defense balls
ibpatol: Just the two of us
ibpatol: friends&lovers
ibpatol: the storm is coming
ibpatol: La flemme
ibpatol: 8. Grid
ibpatol: Traffic at le Pont Neuf
ibpatol: Tour Eiffel and traffic lights
ibpatol: Green and blue
ibpatol: 9. Vers la rue du Jour
ibpatol: Les Halles at night
ibpatol: 15. At the docks
ibpatol: Busy night
ibpatol: Dusk in Lime St
ibpatol: 18. Marathon rest