isaac.borrego: Cat at the temple
isaac.borrego: Yellow spider in the web
isaac.borrego: Bumbling bee
isaac.borrego: Ladybug on the leaf
isaac.borrego: Dinner with the family
isaac.borrego: Monkey and statue
isaac.borrego: Monkey walk
isaac.borrego: Monkey stare
isaac.borrego: Climbing down
isaac.borrego: Sitting on the temple
isaac.borrego: Monkey see
isaac.borrego: Baby monkey
isaac.borrego: Two monkeys
isaac.borrego: Watching traffic
isaac.borrego: Balinese deer
isaac.borrego: Turtle on the rock
isaac.borrego: Swimming in the koi pond
isaac.borrego: Grouse on Birkenhead
isaac.borrego: Looking back
isaac.borrego: Kangaroo in the Capital Territory
isaac.borrego: Kangaroo stare
isaac.borrego: Kangaroo close up
isaac.borrego: Kangaroo in the field
isaac.borrego: Sheep stare
isaac.borrego: Curious sheep
isaac.borrego: Horse on the hill
isaac.borrego: Cow and Gippsland scenery
isaac.borrego: Crouching emu
isaac.borrego: Emu in the field
isaac.borrego: Foraging emu