ibike12000: The day we left
ibike12000: Rest stop in Mississippi
ibike12000: Our first picnic of 2013
ibike12000: Our ride on the Tammany Trace trail
ibike12000: making a toast at the Chimes
ibike12000: fried gator
ibike12000: Oysters in the shell
ibike12000: Lunch at the Chimes
ibike12000: Lunch at the Chimes
ibike12000: history repeats itself plus one week
ibike12000: Brian leading in worship
ibike12000: Best omlet ever!
ibike12000: Eating on the porch of Water Street Bistro
ibike12000: supper on patio
ibike12000: Bo loves everybody, even me
ibike12000: Ivan before fur cut
ibike12000: Sir Stewart
ibike12000: Rest stop entering Texas
ibike12000: Three trees growing in a street
ibike12000: Live Oak in Columbus, Tx.
ibike12000: First Baptist in Columbus, Tx
ibike12000: Mom liked the cactus
ibike12000: Interior of Lost Maples Cafe
ibike12000: Mom'c Chicken spaghetti
ibike12000: stone bridge
ibike12000: rock bridge
ibike12000: stream had very clear, but low water
ibike12000: Interesting mosaic rest bench
ibike12000: Looking where we were going
ibike12000: "path" of hiking