ibike12000: Grandma and Sawyer, what fun
ibike12000: 20++ Olympics, here hse comes
ibike12000: Mom and oldest in a race!
ibike12000: Grandpa, Grandma and E. sledding
ibike12000: Anyone know these people?
ibike12000: Sawyer and Evelyn
ibike12000: Saywer with present
ibike12000: Newly weds first Christmas
ibike12000: E. with her new sleeping bag.
ibike12000: Welcome to the family, Dan
ibike12000: Sawyer trying out the new hot wheels track
ibike12000: Popa David with baby swing
ibike12000: Moma and new baby Gus
ibike12000: Christmas celebration
ibike12000: Brand new grandbaby
ibike12000: Closer to 70 than 60
ibike12000: Katie and Dan with new nephew, Gus
ibike12000: Floating bog in the winter
ibike12000: Gary Ruby Tanner and Dinah
ibike12000: Trail before we went down
ibike12000: Trail before we went down
ibike12000: His best side
ibike12000: best lookin guy on the trail that day
ibike12000: Bridge over Red Cedar River
ibike12000: my date for the day, and every day
ibike12000: approaching bridge
ibike12000: Mom approaching bridge
ibike12000: View of Red Cedar River from bridge
ibike12000: View of Red Cedar River from bridge
ibike12000: View of Red Cedar River from bridge