ibike12000: Birds on a wire
ibike12000: Wallmart campground
ibike12000: Darlington campsite
ibike12000: View from Darlington campsite
ibike12000: View from Darlington campsite
ibike12000: Butterfly on Darlington walk
ibike12000: shore line of Darlington
ibike12000: Shoreline of Darlington Prov. prk
ibike12000: Thousand Island bridge
ibike12000: Picture of Tibbetts into Sun
ibike12000: Me and my lighthouse
ibike12000: Picture of Tibbetts
ibike12000: Clif taking us for a ride.
ibike12000: Picture of Tibbetts
ibike12000: Tibbetts from right off the point
ibike12000: Look out!!
ibike12000: Whew! He missed!
ibike12000: out side the break wall
ibike12000: Side of Cape breakwall
ibike12000: Inside the Cape break wall
ibike12000: Old Coast Guard Station
ibike12000: Unusual house in Cape Vincent
ibike12000: Gaylor Massia
ibike12000: State fishery in the Cape
ibike12000: Sunken gardens house
ibike12000: Site of our apartment
ibike12000: The old Roxie bar hotel
ibike12000: Bar area of Moynahans Irish pub
ibike12000: Short tables on benches
ibike12000: interior of Irish Pub.