ibike12000: Deer Crossing river
ibike12000: Deer crossing river
ibike12000: View over valley
ibike12000: Long bridge over Root River
ibike12000: Two bridges
ibike12000: Shelter at end of bridge
ibike12000: Windmill over wild flowers
ibike12000: Yellow flowers along path
ibike12000: Neat country church
ibike12000: Old log school
ibike12000: Harmony's water tower
ibike12000: Old Theater in Harmony
ibike12000: Down town Harmony
ibike12000: Wild animal on trail
ibike12000: Not a happy trail traveler
ibike12000: Mom escaping turtle
ibike12000: Mystery plant
ibike12000: Larger shot of mystery plant
ibike12000: Flowers in front of Scanlan House B&B
ibike12000: Bluff area between Housten and Lanesboro
ibike12000: Mom and My new ATV
ibike12000: New discovered dinosauer
ibike12000: Mom taking a break with her new friend
ibike12000: Hobo carvings
ibike12000: Mom reading a trail sign
ibike12000: John Deere sculpture
ibike12000: bird nest
ibike12000: Don's bass guitar
ibike12000: "Heavy metal cats"
ibike12000: Bike parts swing with cute model