Bracanin: Our stone house, Mirca, Brač
Bracanin: Javna česma "Pod lokve" u Mirca
Bracanin: Božić, 2011.
Bracanin: IMGP7203
Bracanin: IMGP7597
MAKSTER: Funcle!
Bracanin: Two Kirigins and the fur bundle called Dirty cat
David McKelvey: Cyrillic graffiti, Reichstag building, Berlin
Edge and corner wear: Meditation Room United Nations New York NY
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: NASA’s Juno Spacecraft's Fifth Jupiter Flyby
pazroberto: Freyja2012_016
pazroberto: ShuttleEndeavour_077
Bracanin: U dvoru Petra Hektorovića
Bracanin: Roko
Bracanin: Stari grad Samobor
Bracanin: Mirca, tri generacije na zidu...
Bracanin: Kaja i Joško
Bracanin: High five with gusto!
Bracanin: Hunter
franimal: Here is a butterfly landing on my father's wine glass during lunch in Mirca, island Brač, Croatia
Bracanin: Luka & Nikola, and the old guy
Bracanin: Dida hrani Nikolu
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: NASA's Cassini Reveals Surprises with Titan's Lakes
Bracanin: Sea jewels are checked out
Echo_29: Rancho Azoff circa 1960's
MAKSTER: At the Samobor house
MAKSTER: Chess Pieces!
MAKSTER: Funcle!