ianw1951: Maryland, Annapolis DSCN3646
ianw1951: P1010923 Day 3 End of the track
ianw1951: B42 health notice Bombay
ianw1951: Berlin Three Little Pigs Hostel P1070373
ianw1951: Mauritius M14 quaint notice on bridge
ianw1951: Kamakura Bay IMG_4368
ianw1951: Hawaii, Hawai'i Volcanoes NP, Chain of Craters Road IMG_5380
ianw1951: Negative road sign, Charters Towers
ianw1951: Oman, Hajar Mountains IMG_3370
ianw1951: Dubai, Festival City mall IMG_7698
ianw1951: London, Borough, Little Dorrit Court IMG_4801
ianw1951: London, Borough Markets IMG_6290
ianw1951: London, Underground, London Bridge Station IMG_6705
ianw1951: London, Undergound notice (What if you don't own a dog?) IMG_6858
ianw1951: London, Underground, end of Piccadilly Line - Cockfosters P1120497
ianw1951: London, Underground, Piccadilly Line IMG_7066
ianw1951: London, Underground, Piccadilly Line IMG_7068
ianw1951: Kalkadoon memorial, Kajabbi
ianw1951: Wallangarra Railway Station IMG_9603
ianw1951: Buenos Aires, Plaza de Mayo IMG_2512
ianw1951: Jennings, NSW (Wallangarra's twin town) border crossing IMG_9608
ianw1951: Vermont, Stowe, Emily's Bridge IMG_6546
ianw1951: Vermont, Taftsville IMG_6604
ianw1951: Vermont, Woodstock IMG_6575
ianw1951: New Jersey, Weehawken Dueling Grounds IMG_7146
ianw1951: Boston Public Garden, Make Way For the Ducklings IMG_5946
ianw1951: France, Amiens IMG_0084
ianw1951: France, Peronne, Roo de Kanga IMG_0744
ianw1951: Singapore, Fort Canning Park P1110122
ianw1951: Berlin - Ampelman P1070405