Ian Traynor: Oystercatcher in flight
Ian Traynor: Dunlin feeding
Ian Traynor: Red Knot in flight, having been "spooked" by an Arctic Skua
Ian Traynor: Whimbrell in flight
Ian Traynor: Greylag Geese in flight
Ian Traynor: Short-eared Owl hunting (1)
Ian Traynor: Short-eared Owl - it had seen me watching!
Ian Traynor: Snipe in drumming display flight
Ian Traynor: Willow Ptarmigan
Ian Traynor: Harlequin Duck having a splash
Ian Traynor: Harlequin Duck having just emerged from the rushing river
Ian Traynor: Barrows Goldeneye - male (right) and female
Ian Traynor: Slavonian Grebe, head tufts erect, about to present fish to its mate
Ian Traynor: Red-necked Phalarope flying over Slavonian Grebe
Ian Traynor: Arctic Tern and mountain scenery
Ian Traynor: Long-tailed Duck (male)
Ian Traynor: Harlequin Duck enjoying the rough river
Ian Traynor: Greater Scaup (male).. Oh those eyes!!
Ian Traynor: Barrows Goldeneye - male (left) and female
Ian Traynor: Redshank
Ian Traynor: Redwing singing
Ian Traynor: Short-eared Owl
Ian Traynor: Great Northern Diver
Ian Traynor: Red-throated Diver
Ian Traynor: Short-eared Owl hunting (2)
Ian Traynor: Golden Plover
Ian Traynor: Iceland Gull (immature)
Ian Traynor: Whimbrel
Ian Traynor: Snow Bunting (male)
Ian Traynor: Willow Ptarmigan (1)