iansand: Double Saw
iansand: Camp Draft
iansand: Camp Draft
iansand: Camp Draft
iansand: Showjumping
iansand: Show Jumping
iansand: The consensus is that a blue shirt with that colour horse is just sooooo not right.
iansand: Camp Draft
iansand: Any moment now we are going to be chased around in circles by a loonie on a horse.
iansand: Camp Draft
iansand: Rodeo
iansand: Rodeo People
iansand: Rodeo
iansand: Rodeo
iansand: Barrel Racing
iansand: Polo
iansand: Buckjumping
iansand: Another Bucking Jumper
iansand: Holding On
iansand: Coming Off
iansand: The Other Ferris Wheel
iansand: Ferris Wheel
iansand: Woodchopping
iansand: And the woodchips flew....
iansand: Focussed Chopping
iansand: Tree Felling
iansand: Reflection
iansand: Beasts
iansand: Pumpkins and Stuff
iansand: Rides