lloydi: Getting the van all Halloweeny for Oktoberfest
lloydi: Getting the van all Halloweeny for Oktoberfest
lloydi: Cyan's Halloween-themed tent
lloydi: Cyan's Halloween-themed tent
lloydi: Cyan's Halloween-themed tent
lloydi: Fraggle in the van
lloydi: The full-width bed - at last!
lloydi: Oktoberfest pass
lloydi: Preparing breakfast
lloydi: Breakfast
lloydi: Waiting for our bus trip around Somerset
lloydi: Waiting for our bus trip around Somerset
lloydi: Waiting for our bus trip around Somerset
lloydi: Fraggle on the bus
lloydi: Ian and Fraggle on the bus
lloydi: Cyan walking Fraggle through Wells
lloydi: Cyan walking Fraggle through Wells
lloydi: Wells, Somerset
lloydi: Wells, Somerset
lloydi: Wells, Somerset
lloydi: Wells, Somerset
lloydi: Wells, Somerset
lloydi: Wells, Somerset
lloydi: Wells, Somerset
lloydi: Wells Cathedral, Somerset
lloydi: Wells Cathedral, Somerset
lloydi: Wells Cathedral, Somerset
lloydi: Wells, Somerset
lloydi: Wells, Somerset
lloydi: Wells, Somerset