Can you here the music to Reservoir Dogs playing? (l-r) Simon Willison, Nick FInck, Anitra Pavka, D Keith Robinson, Matt May
In the lounge bar of the Hilton, just after running through a thunderstorm: (l-r) Ethan Marcotte, Anitra Pavka, Steven Champeon and Brian Alvey
Steven ('I'm not drunk, you just caught me at a bad time') Champeon and Brian Alvey discuss ... beards or something, I don't recall.
WaSPs at work: (clockwise from bottom left) Ethan Marcotte, Molly Holzschlag, Steven Champeon, Dave Shea, Simon Willison, Doug Bowman, Anitra Pavka, Anders Pearson
The man in San Fran with the unpredictable but highly funny outbursts of very loud snoring. Everyone around him was trying not to laugh too loudly in case he woke up and spoiled our fun!