Ian Garrity: tour guide at oak alley
Ian Garrity: oak alley
Ian Garrity: tour guide and visitor at the world war II museum
Ian Garrity: curtains in the hotel room
Ian Garrity: chair and shadows on the terrace
Ian Garrity: mom's inventory
Ian Garrity: bed and desk
Ian Garrity: mom on the way to car rental
Ian Garrity: lights of the airplane
Ian Garrity: cars in nifty rental warehouse
Ian Garrity: office of nifty rental
Ian Garrity: warehouse on poedras street
Ian Garrity: vacuum in hotel hallway
Ian Garrity: mannequins at jackson brewery
Ian Garrity: liza and her shadow outisde of jackson brewery
Ian Garrity: tree branches in the court of two sisters
Ian Garrity: mom and liza holding hands
Ian Garrity: trees on decatur street
Ian Garrity: fishtank in aquarium
Ian Garrity: at the aquarium
Ian Garrity: mom and liza at lunch
Ian Garrity: mom and liza on the steamboat natchez
Ian Garrity: on the steamboat cruise
Ian Garrity: on bourbon street
Ian Garrity: on bourbon street
Ian Garrity: on bourbon street
Ian Garrity: on bourbon street
Ian Garrity: on bourbon street
Ian Garrity: on bourbon street
Ian Garrity: on bourbon street