Ian L Harris: 01 21 February 2007 Pigs at a tobacco farmer's house, Pinar del Rio province. Guess the bacon here is smoked P2210067A
Ian L Harris: 02 Pigs at a tobacco farmer's house, Pinar del Rio province. Guess the bacon here is smoked P2210094B
Ian L Harris: 03 Tobacco is stored and dried here P2210095B
Ian L Harris: 04 Tobacco territory, Pinar del Rio province P2210096B
Ian L Harris: 05 Ged buys a cigar at a ciar factory in Pinar del Rio P2210097B
Ian L Harris: 06 Workers in the grounds of the Hotel Jasmines, near Vinales P2210098B
Ian L Harris: 07 Views from the Hotel Jasmines, near Vinales P2210069A
Ian L Harris: 08 Views from the Hotel Jasmines, near Vinales P2210070A
Ian L Harris: 09 Prehistoric mural near Vinales P2210102B
Ian L Harris: 10 Looking the other way from the Prehistoric mural near Vinales P2210072A
Ian L Harris: 11 22 February 2007 A horse and cart near our hotel, Rancho San Vicente, as we set off for a morning walk in the country P2220109B
Ian L Harris: 12 We see a bus near our hotel, Rancho San Vicente, as we set off for a morning walk in the country P2220111B
Ian L Harris: 13 Palm tree with bird on our walk P2220074A
Ian L Harris: 14 Palm trees and houses on our walk P2220075A
Ian L Harris: 15 Houses and sights on our walk P2220112B
Ian L Harris: 16 Houses and sights on our walk P2220113B
Ian L Harris: 17 Come, ride in my tractor P2220114B
Ian L Harris: 18 Houses and sights on our walk P2220116B
Ian L Harris: 19 Come, ride on my horse and cart P2220077A
Ian L Harris: 20 What is it with Daisy and photgraphs of chickens P2220118B
Ian L Harris: 21 Everyone comes out to say hello to us P2220122B
Ian L Harris: 22 Woody woodpecker P2220126B
Ian L Harris: 23 Woody woodpecker P2220133B
Ian L Harris: 24 Woody woodpecker P2220078A
Ian L Harris: 25 Haven't we seen you somewhere before P2220132B
Ian L Harris: 26 Next, we visit the Indian cave P2220079A
Ian L Harris: 27 Next, we visit the Indian cave P2220083A
Ian L Harris: 28 Next, we visit the Indian cave P2220085A
Ian L Harris: 29 Next, we visit the Indian cave P2220086A
Ian L Harris: 30 And then we re-emerge P2220089A