Discoe: Odd Man Out
Discoe: Wise Man Stache
Discoe: Splash Splash Bye Bye
Discoe: Jazz Hands
Discoe: Evil Kid
Discoe: Mohawk Boy
Discoe: He's Got His Eye on You/ Pointing at the TV
Discoe: Baseball Boy
Discoe: Splash 'N' Slide
Discoe: It Stop Raining
Discoe: Floods Don't Happen Around Here
Discoe: Flood Warning
Discoe: Lots of Water
Discoe: Wet!!
Discoe: The Ripple In My Lawn
Discoe: Jacksyn's Feet Are Wet
Discoe: Little Dragon Costumes
Discoe: Junge ist es Kalt
Discoe: 4 Times the Love
Discoe: Best Friends
Discoe: Graduation
Discoe: Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend
Discoe: Look What We Found?!?
Discoe: Your Pepsi
Discoe: "and he's on drugs!"
Discoe: The Future Man of Steel - Original
Discoe: The Future Man of Steel
Discoe: 6 Teeth Down, 14 More To Go
Discoe: Hand Mask
Discoe: Basket Case