IanSeccombe: Bee-mimic
IanSeccombe: Gypsywort
IanSeccombe: Devil's-bit Scabious
IanSeccombe: Digitalis - after the show
IanSeccombe: Ribbed Melilot
IanSeccombe: Agrimony
IanSeccombe: Ladies Bedstraw
IanSeccombe: Harebell
IanSeccombe: Large skipper
IanSeccombe: Field Scabious
IanSeccombe: Fragrant Orchid
IanSeccombe: Viper's-bugloss
IanSeccombe: Common Red Poppy
IanSeccombe: Ossifragum
IanSeccombe: Bladder Campion
IanSeccombe: Dropwort
IanSeccombe: Common Twayblade Orchid
IanSeccombe: Pyramidal Orchid
IanSeccombe: Digitalis purpurea
IanSeccombe: Red Dead-nettle
IanSeccombe: Sheep's Sorrel
IanSeccombe: Germander Speedwell
IanSeccombe: Beam of sunlight
IanSeccombe: Wood Avens
IanSeccombe: Orchid
IanSeccombe: Barren strawberry
IanSeccombe: Fronds reunited
IanSeccombe: Red Campion
IanSeccombe: Silene dioica
IanSeccombe: Green Alkanet