Ian Gater Photography: 71000 Duke of Gloucester
Ian Gater Photography: 60163 A1 Tornado
Ian Gater Photography: 60163 A1 Tornado
Ian Gater Photography: 60163 A1 Tornado
Ian Gater Photography: 5553 - 4500 Class
Ian Gater Photography: 87035 Robert Burns
Ian Gater Photography: 5224 - 5205 Class
Ian Gater Photography: 6100 Royal Scot
Ian Gater Photography: 7027 Thornbury Castle
Ian Gater Photography: Exeter West Signal Box
Ian Gater Photography: Crewe North Junction Signal Box
Ian Gater Photography: Crewe Station "A" Signal Box
Ian Gater Photography: 6100 Royal Scot
Ian Gater Photography: 71000 Duke of Gloucester
Ian Gater Photography: 60163 A1 Tornado