ian g:
Ro took this shot of mommy
ian g:
ian g:
unhappy camper
ian g:
the basin
ian g:
The Jefferson
ian g:
off he goes...
ian g:
my boyz again
ian g:
ian g:
generic shot everyone takes
ian g:
ian g:
Ro and dad
ian g:
please look at the camera?
ian g:
look at the darn camera
ian g:
checking out the fountains
ian g:
and his doggie
ian g:
Saying hello to FDR
ian g:
At FDR Memorial
ian g:
Ro and Mom
ian g:
my boyz
ian g:
sunset on cherry blossoms
ian g:
So, so tired
ian g:
Ro's tower
ian g:
We didn't think this would work, but we were wrong
ian g:
at Alexandria station
ian g:
at Alexandria station
ian g:
at Alexandria station
ian g:
at Alexandria station
ian g:
at Alexandria station
ian g:
ian g:
quiet passenger