takes pictures: The misty field and lift-off site
takes pictures: Laying-out
takes pictures: Kim - pilot - gives the pre-flight briefing
takes pictures: Still laying out the balloon, ready for inflation
takes pictures: Streeetch!
takes pictures: It's big
takes pictures: More stretching
takes pictures: Partially inflated
takes pictures: Hot air boosts the inflation and lightens the balloon
takes pictures: Up she goes
takes pictures: Inside the balloon
takes pictures: We're in the air!
takes pictures: And higher up we go, over the lift-off site
takes pictures: The tree
takes pictures: Sunlight shafts
takes pictures: Pylons in the mist
takes pictures: Shadows and mist
takes pictures: Shadows and mist
takes pictures: Hot air to rise higher
takes pictures: Sunlight shafts
takes pictures: Reflected balloon
takes pictures: How they take the group photo while in the air!
takes pictures: Keeping us aloft
takes pictures: Tree shadows and furrows
takes pictures: Spooky mist
takes pictures: Silage mounds
takes pictures: Industrial estate sunlit tree