iandeth: full moon at Airport Mesa
iandeth: Schnebly Hill Vortex
iandeth: top of the hill
iandeth: 雄たけび
iandeth: meditation
iandeth: blooming
iandeth: Bellrock 頂上にて
iandeth: バシ大地に立つ
iandeth: view from the Vortex
iandeth: bell rock ahead
iandeth: canyon view
iandeth: twisted and decayed
iandeth: 瞑想終わり
iandeth: フナミさん瞑想中
iandeth: Thunder Mountain
iandeth: morning view from Airport Mesa
iandeth: morning view at Airport Mesa
iandeth: baby cactus in a secret place
iandeth: very pointy
iandeth: saturday noon at Slide Rock River
iandeth: American Southwest
iandeth: baby lizard
iandeth: long way to go
iandeth: valley of the wind
iandeth: meditation
iandeth: む~ん
iandeth: cliff meditation
iandeth: cliff climbing
iandeth: red rock wall
iandeth: ground up