Ian A Photography: Legendary lift-off...
Ian A Photography: Superstar 'Connie' causes a stir...
Ian A Photography: Look out - bandits coming in fast and low!
Ian A Photography: 'Miss Velma' canters down to Duxford...
Ian A Photography: Parking up...
Ian A Photography: Bandit Buchón swoops down on Duxford...
Ian A Photography: Glad in the air...
Ian A Photography: Fighter legend...
Ian A Photography: Reaching for the sky...
Ian A Photography: Like being back in the 1940s...
Ian A Photography: 'Star' of the show...
Ian A Photography: Graceful turn...
Ian A Photography: Show time...
Ian A Photography: Up, up and away...
Ian A Photography: Under armed escort...
Ian A Photography: Touch-down...
Ian A Photography: Ooops, have I landed at the wrong airfield...?
Ian A Photography: Quite a bit of bling...
Ian A Photography: 'I cannot see them... nothing... I repeat, nothing!'
Ian A Photography: Classic beauty...
Ian A Photography: Double trouble at Duxford...
Ian A Photography: Time for take-off...
Ian A Photography: Let's get airborne...
Ian A Photography: Low Lanc...
Ian A Photography: Lone bomber...
Ian A Photography: Popular lady, 'Miss Velma'...