Ian A Photography:
Return of Hurricane IIa P3551...
Ian A Photography:
Oh mein Gott - ein Spitfeuer!
Ian A Photography:
Finding a parking spot was a bit dicey...
Ian A Photography:
Starting up...
Ian A Photography:
Needing a 'leg-up...'
Ian A Photography:
The Russians are coming...
Ian A Photography:
Yaks really smokin'...!!
Ian A Photography:
Fired-up and ready to go...
Ian A Photography:
Almost hovers - great for bird watching!
Ian A Photography:
Danger over Duxford...
Ian A Photography:
Gladiators of the sky...
Ian A Photography:
"What's that - a blighter on my tail...?"
Ian A Photography:
Two glamourous ladies...
Ian A Photography:
Classic combination...
Ian A Photography:
Fast and furious...
Ian A Photography:
Legendary icon, always remembered...
Ian A Photography:
Sally B in a spot of bother...
Ian A Photography:
Mustang at the gallop...
Ian A Photography:
Lone Demon of the sky...
Ian A Photography:
'Lizzie' the Lysander...
Ian A Photography:
Debut over Duxford...
Ian A Photography:
A polished performance...
Ian A Photography:
Needing some back-up...
Ian A Photography:
Chasing tail...
Ian A Photography:
Reaching for the sky...
Ian A Photography:
A classic mode of transport...
Ian A Photography:
'Bomber Belle' prepares to take off...
Ian A Photography:
Observing old adversaries...
Ian A Photography:
Just flashed by to admire your nose art...
Ian A Photography:
Luftwaffe lift off at Duxford...