Ian A Photography: Standing tall and ready for anything...
Ian A Photography: Spring visit...
Ian A Photography: Is this rain ever going to stop?!
Ian A Photography: Damp, but not daunted...
Ian A Photography: 'No, I won't turn round, so you can take a better shot...'
Ian A Photography: 'Okay, I've eaten that... what's next?'
Ian A Photography: Starling in Spring time...?
Ian A Photography: Clinging on for Spring...
Ian A Photography: Waiting for breakfast...
Ian A Photography: OMG - the Sun's out!
Ian A Photography: A favourite poser...
Ian A Photography: 'I agree, Summer's a bit sparse this year...'
Ian A Photography: Hoping for another helping...
Ian A Photography: Taking up residence...
Ian A Photography: At last - some Sun light!
Ian A Photography: Everyone's nest building...
Ian A Photography: Keeping an eye on me...
Ian A Photography: Surprise visiter...
Ian A Photography: A glimpse of Spring...
Ian A Photography: Courtship, Robin style...
Ian A Photography: Close to home...
Ian A Photography: Staying in the shade...
Ian A Photography: Catching some Sun...
Ian A Photography: On guard at the nest box...
Ian A Photography: Big Daddy pays a visit...
Ian A Photography: Becoming a regular... is it an omen...?
Ian A Photography: One plump Robin...
Ian A Photography: Taking a bath...
Ian A Photography: Quite a character...
Ian A Photography: Newcomer for 2013...