Ian A Photography: You could've made the hole bigger...
Ian A Photography: The things I do for love...
Ian A Photography: Just checking for Sparrowhawks...
Ian A Photography: My work comes later...
Ian A Photography: Well, you could help instead of just watching...
Ian A Photography: Hmmm... Hubby's doing a great job...
Ian A Photography: On guard at the 'box'...
Ian A Photography: Keeping watch on the box...
Ian A Photography: A quizzical look...
Ian A Photography: Feeding time...?
Ian A Photography: Just landed...
Ian A Photography: Balancing act...
Ian A Photography: Plump with pride...
Ian A Photography: 'Do you like my penguin impression...?'
Ian A Photography: Inquisitive Starling...
Ian A Photography: It's been a hard day at the office...
Ian A Photography: Tight squeeze...
Ian A Photography: Structural alterations...
Ian A Photography: Standing guard...
Ian A Photography: Scruffy...
Ian A Photography: Closest yet...