IanLyons: Big Horn Ram, Stonewall Creek, Colorado
IanLyons: Pronghorn Antelope, Sweetwater Station, Wyoming
IanLyons: Bull Elk, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Bull Elk, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Coyote, Canyon Meadow, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Autumn Gold 3, Atlantic City, Wyoming
IanLyons: Autumn Gold, Grand Teton National Park
IanLyons: Treeline and Teton Mountains, Grand Teton National Park
IanLyons: Golden Aspens and Mount Moran, Grand Teton National Park
IanLyons: Grasses, Mud Volcano, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Lewis River, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Opalescent Pool, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Twin Geyser, Black Sand Basin Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Sunset Lake, Black Sand Basin, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: White Cone Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Lower Yellowstone Falls, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
IanLyons: Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone from Artists Point, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Tree Detail at Harlequin Lake, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Madison Meadow, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Avoca Spring, Biscuit Basin, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Orange Spring Mound, Mammoth Hot Springs
IanLyons: Bacteria and Algae Detail on Orange Spring Mound, Mammoth Hot Springs
IanLyons: Orange Spring Mound, Mammoth Hot Springs
IanLyons: Cupid Spring, Lower Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs
IanLyons: Dryad Springs, Mammoth Hot Springs
IanLyons: Skeleton Leaves in Hot Pool, Mammoth Hot Springs
IanLyons: Elephant's Foot, Palette Spring, Mammoth Hot Springs
IanLyons: Sunrise, Harlequin Lake, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Skeleton Trees in Morning Light, Tangled Creek, Yellowstone National Park
IanLyons: Morning Mist, Tangled Creek, Yellowstone National Park