Ian E. Abbott:
Arlington National Cemetery
Ian E. Abbott:
Seabees Memorial at Arlington
Ian E. Abbott:
Women in Military Service for America
Ian E. Abbott:
General Omar Bradley
Ian E. Abbott:
Arlington National Cemetery
Ian E. Abbott:
Silence and Respect
Ian E. Abbott:
President John F. Kennedy
Ian E. Abbott:
"Eternal Flame"
Ian E. Abbott:
JFK Inaugural Address
Ian E. Abbott:
Robert F. Kennedy
Ian E. Abbott:
Words of Robert F. Kennedy
Ian E. Abbott:
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr.
Ian E. Abbott:
General Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr.
Ian E. Abbott:
Daisy B., His Wife
Ian E. Abbott:
Tribute from Canada
Ian E. Abbott:
Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial
Ian E. Abbott:
Space Shuttle Columbia Memorial
Ian E. Abbott:
Arlington National Cemetery
Ian E. Abbott:
UH-1 "Huey" Veterans Memorial
Ian E. Abbott:
"Battle of the Bulge" Memorial
Ian E. Abbott:
Earl Warren, Chief Justice
Ian E. Abbott:
Nurses Memorial
Ian E. Abbott:
McGovern Brothers
Ian E. Abbott:
Rear Admiral William Moffett
Ian E. Abbott:
Corporal Ira H. Hayes
Ian E. Abbott:
Arlington National Cemetery
Ian E. Abbott:
Arlington National Cemetery
Ian E. Abbott:
A. Scott Crossfield
Ian E. Abbott:
Arlington National Cemetery
Ian E. Abbott:
Awaiting the Next Service