Ian A Gratton: Grasmere sports field, May Bank Holiday rally
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere rally, bbq time
Ian A Gratton: Ready to set off on the Coffin Trail walk
Ian A Gratton: Coffin trail route to Rydal
Ian A Gratton: Coffin Trail walk to Rydal
Ian A Gratton: Coffin trail route to Rydal
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere Lake
Ian A Gratton: Great views of Grasmere Lake along the way
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere Lake from the Coffin Trail
Ian A Gratton: Cottage at Rydal
Ian A Gratton: Rydal Church at the end of the Coffin Trail
Ian A Gratton: Rydal Church
Ian A Gratton: Refreshing beer at the Badger Bar
Ian A Gratton: Badger Bar Rydal
Ian A Gratton: Rydal Lake
Ian A Gratton: Rydal Lake
Ian A Gratton: Rydal Lake
Ian A Gratton: Rydal Lake
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere Lake
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere Lake
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere Lake
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere and Lake District panorama
Ian A Gratton: Looking towards Thirlmere
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere and our camp site on Alcock Tarn walk
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere Lake
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere and campsite from near the top of our walk
Ian A Gratton: Grasmere and our camp site on the sports field
Ian A Gratton: View up the A591 towards Thirlmere
Ian A Gratton: Path up to Alcock Tarn
Ian A Gratton: Path up to Alcock Tarn