Ian A Gratton: River Nidd, Knaresborough
Ian A Gratton: Watermill Cafe, The Lido, Knareborough
Ian A Gratton: The Lido, Knareborough
Ian A Gratton: Darcy
Ian A Gratton: Kingfisher wood carving, Abbey Road, Knaresborough
Ian A Gratton: Lizard wood carving, Abbey Road, Knareborough
Ian A Gratton: Painting, St. John's church parish room, Knareborough
Ian A Gratton: Hazel & Domino, St. John's Parish Church, Knaresborough
Ian A Gratton: St. John's Parish Church. Knareborough
Ian A Gratton: Knaresborough, River Nidd
Ian A Gratton: Mother Shipton Inn, Knareborough
Ian A Gratton: Darcy with his friend
Ian A Gratton: Darcy relaxing in our motorhome
Ian A Gratton: Parked up at The Lido, Knaresborough
Ian A Gratton: Darcy sat comfortably
Ian A Gratton: Hazel & Darcy
Ian A Gratton: IMG_2976