Ian A Gratton: Flying from Manchester to Philadelphia
Ian A Gratton: Cape Cod whilst en route from Manchester to Philadelphia
Ian A Gratton: Cape Cod whilst en route from Manchester to Philadelphia
Ian A Gratton: Maine coast line en route Manchester to Philadelphia
Ian A Gratton: Cape Cod
Ian A Gratton: Cloud formation
Ian A Gratton: En route from Philadelphia to San Francisco
Ian A Gratton: Somewhere near Nevada or Arizona
Ian A Gratton: Dried up salt lakes
Ian A Gratton: Dried up Salt Lakes
Ian A Gratton: Muir Woods
Ian A Gratton: Muir Woods
Ian A Gratton: The giant Redwood Trees
Ian A Gratton: Hazel by a Redwood tree
Ian A Gratton: We took a walk amongst the Redwood trees
Ian A Gratton: Beautiful Muir woods
Ian A Gratton: Beautiful Muir Woods
Ian A Gratton: The age of a Redwood tree
Ian A Gratton: The view from Mount Tamalpais
Ian A Gratton: The view from Mount Tamalpais
Ian A Gratton: The view from Mount Tamalpais
Ian A Gratton: The view from Mount Tamalpais
Ian A Gratton: Hazel with our hire car, a Crysler 200 convertable
Ian A Gratton: Hazy San Francisco skyline
Ian A Gratton: Hazy San Francisco skyline
Ian A Gratton: Stinson Beach
Ian A Gratton: Stinson Beach
Ian A Gratton: Beautiful Stinson Beach
Ian A Gratton: Stinson Beach
Ian A Gratton: Stinson Beach