Ian A Gratton: Hazel at Chillfactor, Trafford Center
Ian A Gratton: Hazel takes to the snow for the first time
Ian A Gratton: Hazel's first run
Ian A Gratton: Hazel's first run
Ian A Gratton: Well earned Vin Chaud with Baz
Ian A Gratton: Hazel by Chalet Monique
Ian A Gratton: Ski Olympic's Chalet Monique
Ian A Gratton: Ski Olympic Chalet Mors
Ian A Gratton: The Silly Green Hats assemble for the bus outside the chalet
Ian A Gratton: Above Courchevel
Ian A Gratton: Pam, Clive, Andy and Julie enjoy lunch
Ian A Gratton: Impressive hotel, Courchevel
Ian A Gratton: Hazel skis through a tunnel
Ian A Gratton: Hazel and Nicola snow ploughing
Ian A Gratton: Chalet Monique after a heavy snowfall
Ian A Gratton: Courchevel 1650 main Street
Ian A Gratton: Dave Somers enjoys the fresh snow
Ian A Gratton: View over Couchevel
Ian A Gratton: Enjoying some fresh powder
Ian A Gratton: Courchevel 1850
Ian A Gratton: Courchevel 1850
Ian A Gratton: A gentle piste through a wood
Ian A Gratton: A beautiful day to enjoy the fresh snow
Ian A Gratton: Enjoying the fresh snow
Ian A Gratton: Hazel on a perfect Piste
Ian A Gratton: PICT0027
Ian A Gratton: Hazel nears Courchevel 1850
Ian A Gratton: Tentative snowplough
Ian A Gratton: Courchevel 1850
Ian A Gratton: PICT0031