Ian A Gratton: America through a dirty plane window
Ian A Gratton: Somewhere over America
Ian A Gratton: Somewhere over America
Ian A Gratton: Somewhere over America
Ian A Gratton: Arizona or Nevada?
Ian A Gratton: Is this Arizona or Nevada ?
Ian A Gratton: Los Angeles city centre skyline
Ian A Gratton: Landing at LAX (can you spot the Hollywood sign?)
Ian A Gratton: Touchdown at LAX
Ian A Gratton: On board the ferry to Coronado Island
Ian A Gratton: On board the ferry to Coronado Island
Ian A Gratton: San Diego city skyline
Ian A Gratton: San Diego city skyline
Ian A Gratton: Coronado Island bridge
Ian A Gratton: San Diego city skyline
Ian A Gratton: Coronado Island ferry terminal
Ian A Gratton: U.S.S. Ronald Reagan San Diego harbour
Ian A Gratton: U.S. Navy ships
Ian A Gratton: U.S.S. Midway floating museum
Ian A Gratton: James tries out an aircraft cockpit
Ian A Gratton: Adam and James try the simulator
Ian A Gratton: IMG_3329
Ian A Gratton: USS Midway flightdeck
Ian A Gratton: I'd love to fly it!!!
Ian A Gratton: James, Vince & Adam enjoy a drink
Ian A Gratton: James, Vince & Adam enjoy a drink
Ian A Gratton: Adam, Vince & me enjoy a cool beer
Ian A Gratton: I tee off at Sally's pitch & put course
Ian A Gratton: Pitch & putt at Sally's
Ian A Gratton: James takes at shot