ian1001: Some scruffy sea cliff
ian1001: Formentor
ian1001: Skinny fit climber
ian1001: Skinny fit climber
ian1001: Alcudia after being rained off
ian1001: Alcudia after being rained off
ian1001: Under exposed route checking
ian1001: Busy Holiday Climbing
ian1001: Busy Holiday Climbing
ian1001: Some 6a
ian1001: Looking back to the bay
ian1001: Walking out from Creveta
ian1001: Checking out the route
ian1001: Sa Gubia
ian1001: One of the HUGE walls at Sa Gubia
ian1001: Looking into the Gorge
ian1001: Some 6b+
ian1001: Starting a big route
ian1001: Multi pitching