Ian W Scott:
Inscription from ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Inscription from ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Inscription from ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Inscription from ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Large Greco-Roman liquid vessel
Ian W Scott:
Large Greco-Roman liquid vessel
Ian W Scott:
Greco-Roman pipes from ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Large Greco-Roman liquid vessel
Ian W Scott:
Remains of Greco-Roman (?) Troy
Ian W Scott:
Remains of Greco-Roman (?) Troy
Ian W Scott:
View from the mound of ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
View from the mound of ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Section of decorative relief from ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Section of coffered ceiling from Roman Troy
Ian W Scott:
The early brick palace (?) at Troy
Ian W Scott:
The early brick palace (?) at Troy
Ian W Scott:
The early brick palace (?) at Troy
Ian W Scott:
DSCN4284 (Modified)
Ian W Scott:
View from the mound of ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Display of the strata at ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Display of the strata at ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
My shadow on an ancient wall
Ian W Scott:
Hellenistic well at ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Entry ramp to the ancient city of Troy
Ian W Scott:
Monumental altar at ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Monumental altar at ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Monumental altar at ancient Troy
Ian W Scott:
Odeon at Greco-Roman Troy
Ian W Scott:
Odeon at Greco-Roman Troy
Ian W Scott:
Odeon at Greco-Roman Troy