Ian W Scott: Olive tree at Nazareth Village
Ian W Scott: door hinge at the olive press in Nazareth Village museum
Ian W Scott: Last Import-108
Ian W Scott: Last Import-101
Ian W Scott: Last Import-111
Ian W Scott: Cutaway view of terrace construction at Nazareth Village Museum
Ian W Scott: Last Import-109
Ian W Scott: Last Import-102
Ian W Scott: Olive trees at Nazareth Village
Ian W Scott: Last Import-107
Ian W Scott: Grape vines on a wooden support
Ian W Scott: Industrial Olive Grinder at Nazareth Village - B
Ian W Scott: Sheep enclosure at Nazareth Village
Ian W Scott: Last Import-113
Ian W Scott: Pomegranate ripening on a tree in Galilee
Ian W Scott: A reconstructed watch-tower at Nazareth Village
Ian W Scott: A Typical Terrace Wall from a First-Century Farm
Ian W Scott: Wildflowers in Galilee
Ian W Scott: A reconstructed tomb with rolling stone at Nazareth Village
Ian W Scott: Grape vines in Galilee - B
Ian W Scott: Last Import-127
Ian W Scott: Last Import-120
Ian W Scott: Fig Tree by the Path at Nazareth Village
Ian W Scott: Last Import-121
Ian W Scott: Last Import-115
Ian W Scott: Pomegranate tree in Nazareth
Ian W Scott: Last Import-123
Ian W Scott: Last Import-106
Ian W Scott: Olive press interior construction at Nazareth village
Ian W Scott: Industrial Olive Grinder at Nazareth Village