Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Violet-purple Coronet, Boissonneaua jardini
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: A Little Romance for the Buff-tailed Coronet
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Green-and-rufous Kingfisher
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Empress Brilliant
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Ecuador Poison Frog, Ameerega bilinguis
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: American Pygmy Kingfisher
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Starry Night Cracker, Hamadryas laodamia
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Anhinga and Fish
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Speckled Hummingbird
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Golden-mantled Tamarin
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Golden-bellied Grosbeak
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Amazonian Streaked Antwren
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Marbled Spurwing, Antigonus nearchus
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: The Perilla Crescent, Castilia perilla
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Surfacing with a Catch
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Booted Racket-tail, Ocreatus underwoodii
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Silkmoth, Rothschildia aricia
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Tourmaline Sunangel, Heliangelus exortis
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Spix's Night Monkey, Aotus vociferans
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Yellow-breasted Antpitta
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Ringed Woodpecker an Endangered Forest Species
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: The Golden-mantled Tamarin
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Nest Builder: The Masked Tanager
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Chestnut-crowned Antpitta
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Olinguito, a new species discovered in 2013
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, a resident at high altitude in the Andes