Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: White Satyr, Pareuptychia ocirrhoe and Leafhopper
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Heart of the Rainforest
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Banded Orange Heliconian,Dryadula phaetusa
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Common Checkered-Skipper, Pyrgus communis
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Banded Peacock, Anartia fatima
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Forest Giant Owl, Caligo eurilochus
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Marbled Spurwing, Antigonus nearchus
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: The Perilla Crescent, Castilia perilla
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Starry Night Cracker, Hamadryas laodamia
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Silkmoth, Rothschildia aricia
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Basking in the undergrowth, Bell's Longtail, Urbanus belli
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Blind Underleaf and Hibiscus
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Starry Night Cracker, a tribute to Vincent van Gogh
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Blushing Phantom, Cithaeris pireta, The Heart of the Rainforest
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Glittering Jewel of the Amazon: Green Mantle, Caria mantinea
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: The Togarna Hairstreak
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Giant Glasswing, Methona confusa
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: A Beautiful Mimic, the Heliconius numato
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Anna's Eighty-eight
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Neotropic Caterpillar
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Slug Moth Caterpillar, Limacodidae
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Orange-spotted Tiger Clearwing, Mechanitis polymnia
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Glasswing Tiger, Calodesma sp.
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Cat's Eye Sapphire, a Neotropical beauty
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: A Beautiful Leafwing, the Orion Cecropian
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Variable Cracker, Hamadryas feronia
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Dusky-blue Groundstreak, Calycopis isobeon
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: The Queen, Danaus gilippus
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: A Delicate Balance for the Spread-winged Skipper