Softly, Softly:
Kite flying
Softly, Softly:
waves on the beach
Softly, Softly:
Kim on the beach
Softly, Softly:
The Beach Cafe
Softly, Softly:
Softly, Softly:
Mundeley Marine Museum
Softly, Softly:
War Memorial
Softly, Softly:
More kite flying
Softly, Softly:
Kite, not high
Softly, Softly:
Softly, Softly:
The pretty (but cheap) kite
Softly, Softly:
Oh dear
Softly, Softly:
That's better
Softly, Softly:
Consult the map!
Softly, Softly:
Water wheel
Softly, Softly:
Softly, Softly:
A jigsaw
Softly, Softly:
Fish, chips and filthy cava