i am the diva:
Thanks For coming!!
i am the diva:
The Housewarming Invite
i am the diva:
i am the diva:
i am the diva:
.....what the.....
i am the diva:
Sab does Jell-o Shooterssssss
i am the diva:
i am the diva:
i'm singing with my eyes closed; it's called emoting.
i am the diva:
Nothing you saaaay can tear me awayyyyy from my guyyyyyy
i am the diva:
Watching the singing
i am the diva:
Mmmm boooze
i am the diva:
More Singing from Pirate Mika.
i am the diva:
Mika sings!
i am the diva:
Team Crooning
i am the diva:
William Croons...
i am the diva:
Some song that i vaguely remember from grade 12...
i am the diva:
Mika's New Dooo
i am the diva:
Scaramouche Scaramouche Will You Do the FanDANgo...
i am the diva:
You just FARTED?? That's HILARIOUS!!
i am the diva:
Dancin' Machine.
i am the diva:
Strangly, this is a good look for him.
i am the diva:
i am the diva:
i am the diva:
Blue Steel
i am the diva:
Hardee har har
i am the diva:
I predict: This picture will come back to haunt her one day
i am the diva:
Meegan's recycled beard
i am the diva:
Brad's Bearded beard
i am the diva:
Trevor Drinks a Beer
i am the diva:
Rosella - cute bearded lady