jessamyn: Jay Hooper and Wayne Townsend
jessamyn: I mostly worked at the tabulator
jessamyn: we ran out of stickers!
jessamyn: Coloring station getting a workout.
jessamyn: Election worker
jessamyn: Empty coloring station and kit voting area
jessamyn: adult voting area
jessamyn: Would have had something soothing on this TV but no one knew the fucking password to the computer
jessamyn: found these lights in the back room
jessamyn: george runs the mailed-in ballots
jessamyn: I had a visual joke that would be me standing by the tabulator with these back room bags of shreds but people don't seem to have a sense of humor about the election and I do not blame them so I give you this
jessamyn: "Please exit by the creepy back stairway..."
jessamyn: bling
jessamyn: stuff I found in the back room while "on break"
jessamyn: lots of little procedures we do
jessamyn: kid drawing "Vote for me"
jessamyn: stress llama was a nice touch
jessamyn: one write-in for "pegusis"
jessamyn: kid ballot, filled in
jessamyn: running the tabulator after the polls close
jessamyn: result: I got elected
jessamyn: emptying the tabulator