jessamyn: early puzzling
jessamyn: early puzzling
jessamyn: Ice Machine!
jessamyn: asleep
jessamyn: Asleep
jessamyn: Asleep, or deep in thought?
jessamyn: Nest
jessamyn: One of the puzzles I liked
jessamyn: big elevator
jessamyn: Guess which floor is mine?
jessamyn: n00bs!
jessamyn: Jeff is bemused by film crew
jessamyn: Corey's Shirt
jessamyn: Ah munna eat choo
jessamyn: deep in thought, I think
jessamyn: early indication this would be my sort of puzzle
jessamyn: PIZZA AGAIN $7
jessamyn: Mission Control 3
jessamyn: Mission Control 2
jessamyn: Mission Control 1
jessamyn: Dan barely conceals his distaste for this clue
jessamyn: our progress
jessamyn: very important tools
jessamyn: Karthik
jessamyn: CScott's shirt
jessamyn: OLPC!
jessamyn: Can you find Trip Payne?
jessamyn: We did okay!