jessamyn: train came through just as I was getting started
jessamyn: where I parked
jessamyn: first bird! crow regards me from treetop
jessamyn: before the snow starts
jessamyn: that old truck I love
jessamyn: Something's been here. Bear?
jessamyn: snow starting
jessamyn: weird coming upon strange technology in the woods
jessamyn: junco pretty well hidden
jessamyn: river
jessamyn: river
jessamyn: snow really starting in earnest now
jessamyn: snow on branches
jessamyn: hanging out by my fave old fire truck
jessamyn: slime mold or fungus
jessamyn: <3
jessamyn: my tracks, bird tracks
jessamyn: acorn saved for later
jessamyn: different crow
jessamyn: change of clothes, back out in the neighborhood
jessamyn: borb-y chickadee
jessamyn: map of my walks