jessamyn: John Alexander and me at the library
jessamyn: John in front of picture of John that is at the library, also me
jessamyn: outside of American Precision Museum
jessamyn: In the lobby they encourage you to give feedback on their typewriter
jessamyn: just some nice looking crank
jessamyn: lovely planer
jessamyn: punched gears
jessamyn: why are there so many crank photos, I do not know
jessamyn: John shows how this machine works to bore out part of a rifle stock
jessamyn: gun making machine
jessamyn: some fancy nonsense
jessamyn: freight elevator we did not ride
jessamyn: I opened so many drawers
jessamyn: typewriter aisle
jessamyn: some funky typewriter type of thing with a totally different interface
jessamyn: part of the building used to be an apartment
jessamyn: prints from glass negatives
jessamyn: shelves of glass negatives
jessamyn: Maxfield Parrish lamp
jessamyn: Etheric Force machine
jessamyn: more stuff by MP
jessamyn: ancient hard drive (or floppy disk)
jessamyn: container on ancient hard drive
jessamyn: view out the window from the upper floors
jessamyn: Photostat machine
jessamyn: top of the elevator I did not ride in
jessamyn: Use Only To Tempt Mice
jessamyn: 14 x 17 beam
jessamyn: creepy pit in basement
jessamyn: more creepy basement