jessamyn: Started off on the right foot
jessamyn: Kate says hi
jessamyn: Hank pleased to see me
jessamyn: gearing up
jessamyn: Hank and friend
jessamyn: Miss Woo guards the potatoes
jessamyn: this is apparently a thing
jessamyn: looking up recipes
jessamyn: butternut squash
jessamyn: Thanksgiving eve dinner
jessamyn: olive oil
jessamyn: potatoes soaking
jessamyn: root veggies
jessamyn: Charlie
jessamyn: Thanksgiving morning snack
jessamyn: Kate givs the turkey breast the finger
jessamyn: set table
jessamyn: the spread from a distance
jessamyn: plate
jessamyn: Thanksgiving supper
jessamyn: Kate with trifle
jessamyn: Guestroom, Stow MA
jessamyn: Friday leftovers
jessamyn: dessert cheesecake
jessamyn: Jim reads in the morning
jessamyn: found at Gooseberry
jessamyn: Saturday leftovers
jessamyn: Jim at IKEA
jessamyn: ill-advised snack
jessamyn: quick trip to the beach