jessamyn: Hank
jessamyn: Other Jim and his Spirograph
jessamyn: Iris the Cat
jessamyn: the faces!
jessamyn: Spread
jessamyn: Jim goofing
jessamyn: YAY CAKE
jessamyn: glaring at me!
jessamyn: Guestroom, Kate's place
jessamyn: Kate's stunning menorah
jessamyn: Kate's stunning menorah
jessamyn: Airport chapel podium
jessamyn: Guestroom, DC
jessamyn: Independence Ave sign
jessamyn: trying to go to the botanical garden
jessamyn: Maybe GWBs hearse
jessamyn: Pentimento
jessamyn: DC Architecture
jessamyn: Mail Art Exhibit!
jessamyn: Consitution in license plates
jessamyn: Yippie ki yi yay
jessamyn: "Sorry for the inconveience, escalator is now stairs"
jessamyn: Free Library at Burlington Airport
jessamyn: VHC board meeting at VLS
jessamyn: Art at VLS