jessamyn: outtake
jessamyn: Mary made a great cake
jessamyn: Jim, at Jimsmas
jessamyn: Vera's Memorial Service
jessamyn: MAD
jessamyn: out counting birds
jessamyn: snowy day for the bird count
jessamyn: solstice - me and jim
jessamyn: solstice crowd
jessamyn: solstice bonfire
jessamyn: solstice - jerry lights
jessamyn: Latke Party!
jessamyn: the day before I left
jessamyn: furnace off, stove ON
jessamyn: APPLES
jessamyn: Jim in the hedge maze
jessamyn: donuts!
jessamyn: Guestroom, Boxboro MA
jessamyn: Uno!
jessamyn: holiday table
jessamyn: Bread making
jessamyn: Lauren & family
jessamyn: three meat pies
jessamyn: Making some sort of Eupropean coffee drink
jessamyn: Xmas Snow
jessamyn: applesauce making
jessamyn: Christmas Beach
jessamyn: Christmas dinner
jessamyn: Jim plays Shadow of Colossus
jessamyn: Kate