jessamyn: protein filled breakfast before town meeting
jessamyn: Coffee hour all happens in the kitchen
jessamyn: Here we are!
jessamyn: Reading the town reports
jessamyn: listening to neighbors speaking
jessamyn: Michael Penrod talks budgets
jessamyn: I loved this girl's hair
jessamyn: Kristen knits
jessamyn: The Lutzes in the Chandler
jessamyn: Our Moderator Kelly Green
jessamyn: Wendy will check you out
jessamyn: Swiffer ballot box stuffer
jessamyn: More bored kids
jessamyn: Farmers voting
jessamyn: Lots of rules
jessamyn: homemade stickers
jessamyn: my nametag has a typo in the NAME OF THE TOWN
jessamyn: "State your name clearly and loudly"
jessamyn: paperwork and stapler
jessamyn: old nametags
jessamyn: Town Clerk hands out candy
jessamyn: people vote with their kids
jessamyn: privacy sleeve instructions
jessamyn: ballots
jessamyn: Checking the "who came in and who went out" lists
jessamyn: Counting, always counting
jessamyn: Our Vermont Table
jessamyn: where we put the ballots