jessamyn: Guestroom, Burlington VT
jessamyn: dog in airport
jessamyn: Califnornia
jessamyn: more servers
jessamyn: Servers in the main church=y hall
jessamyn: Stay out of events fridge!
jessamyn: Office
jessamyn: Stacey LOVES Jaws
jessamyn: the walk to my office
jessamyn: Archive parking
jessamyn: Mek does handstands to stay awake
jessamyn: Cards for demos, get five strs, get a prize
jessamyn: Jason presents
jessamyn: Matt has two phones!
jessamyn: Shack in the back AirBnB and sunrise
jessamyn: Sarah and Heidi and me
jessamyn: Golden Floppy
jessamyn: Jason and his faces
jessamyn: everyone can check phones in the pews when talks are going on
jessamyn: Digital Divide
jessamyn: This is Fine
jessamyn: restroom at the Archive
jessamyn: Playful Yorvit
jessamyn: Election time in SFO is crazy
jessamyn: YORVIT
jessamyn: We had to call 911 for someone while I was waiting for a bus
jessamyn: Guestroom, San Francisco
jessamyn: Stop gentrification
jessamyn: Michael Worlfe from Author's Alliance
jessamyn: the light!