jessamyn: Guestroom, Stow MA
jessamyn: Kate's fridge
jessamyn: packing!
jessamyn: inauspicious beginning
jessamyn: West on 20!
jessamyn: farewell package stores
jessamyn: fancy cake
jessamyn: at a Historic Route 20 Marker
jessamyn: IMG_0927
jessamyn: Guestroom, Albany NY
jessamyn: jim w/ bedroom art
jessamyn: Kate on porch
jessamyn: Jim sleeps in
jessamyn: fridge magnets
jessamyn: "phone"
jessamyn: It was West everything on this trip, sort of weird
jessamyn: at the Teepee
jessamyn: "sign this book to say it's ok to eat spicy chili"
jessamyn: Roadside attraction
jessamyn: Haiku in bathroom
jessamyn: Jim with friend
jessamyn: library loans tackle boxes!
jessamyn: Kate meets library cat
jessamyn: Library mummy
jessamyn: stuffed passenger pigeon
jessamyn: cabinet of curiosities, bird edition
jessamyn: stuffed squirrel
jessamyn: mummy x-ray
jessamyn: Early coffee stop
jessamyn: Guestroom, Buffalo NY