jessamyn: outfit
jessamyn: Library Door
jessamyn: Lowell Public Library and Jack's chair
jessamyn: happy couple & mom
jessamyn: Hank and his grooming issues
jessamyn: finishing the passports
jessamyn: Newbury Comix pint glasses
jessamyn: dress not chosen
jessamyn: Kate models turkey coat
jessamyn: Guestroom Stow MA
jessamyn: nails did, pink purse
jessamyn: Hank
jessamyn: cleaned up nice
jessamyn: Easton Library
jessamyn: before the ceremony
jessamyn: wedding ceremony
jessamyn: cake & cupcakes
jessamyn: first dance
jessamyn: photo booth was fun
jessamyn: Guestroom Westport MA
jessamyn: Love this guy!
jessamyn: feathers
jessamyn: We found a geocache!
jessamyn: Clyde
jessamyn: Jim and Clyde
jessamyn: last one!
jessamyn: getting home!
jessamyn: Sergeant Charlie Preston