jessamyn: outfit
jessamyn: Bye Amy!
jessamyn: at the state library
jessamyn: I went to this class
jessamyn: This always drives me damned crazy
jessamyn: cat toy
jessamyn: Architected library
jessamyn: Library
jessamyn: switches
jessamyn: Sammy cat
jessamyn: Guestroom, Amherst MA
jessamyn: purpose built stained glass
jessamyn: Seating
jessamyn: Borges sign in Belchertown Library
jessamyn: things I did not purchase
jessamyn: MEAT PIES
jessamyn: Last Starfighter
jessamyn: found at flea market
jessamyn: Guestroom, Westport MA
jessamyn: legwarmers are where it's at
jessamyn: Eight Year Anniversary Flowers